Greg Mills Memorial Tree Trails

The City of New Albany, Indiana, is now offering self-guided trails to raise awareness and appreciation for the wonderful tree canopy the City has to offer. Trees play a vital role in the health of a City, particularly in the urban core. A healthy tree canopy can help improve air quality, reduce storm water runoff, promote a walkable city, and improve the aesthetic of a neighborhood.

The City of New Albany Tree Board created the Tree Trail project, with support from the City administration and Ecotech, LLC. The project consists of three distinct tree trails: the Downtown Tree Trail, the Midtown Tree Trail and the Mansion Row Tree Trail. The Downtown trail is about 1.3 miles long, the Midtown trail is about 1.8 miles long, and the Mansion Row trail is about 1.8 miles long, from start to finish. All three trails begin and end at the trail head sign at the northwest corner of East 4th and Market streets. There are 58 distinct tree species on the trails, and each tree will have an identification marker on the sidewalk.

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