142 E Main, Suite 212 New Albany, IN 47150-3586 (812) 948-5333, phone (812) 948-6803, fax

Legal Public Hearing

Legal Public Hearing 9/28/22

Legal Notice FY23 CDBG

Mission Statement

The New Albany Department of Redevelopment is responsible for preparing and implementing plans, programs and projects that address the community development and economic development needs of the City. Working under the policy guidance of its governing bodies, the Department of Redevelopment accomplishes related outcomes through the use of Federal, state and local programs and funding sources many of which are intended to serve low and moderate-income areas and households.

FY23 Community Development Block Grant

FY22 Community Development Block Grant

FY 2021 Community Development Block Grant

Redevelopment Staff

Josh Staten, Economic Development & Redevelopment Director, jstaten@cityofnewalbany.com

New Albany Redevelopment Commission

  • Irving Joshua, President
  • Adam Dickey, Vice-President
  • Terry Middleton, Secretary
  • Jason Applegate
  • Jennie Collier
  • Elaine Murphy, School Board Advisory Non-Voting Member
  • Mr. Joshua, Mr. Dickey, Mr. Middleton, and Ms. Murphy appointed by Mayor Jeff Gahan.
    Mr. Applegate and Ms. Collier were appointed by Common Council

New Albany Redevelopment Authority

Terrance Becker, President

Trent Baker, Vice-President

Cheryl Cotner, Secretary

Governing Bodies

New Albany Redevelopment Commission

New Albany Redevelopment Authority


  • Flyers
  • Concentrated Code Enforcement: Summary
  • Tax Abatement
  • Emergency Repair Program Policies
  • Repair Affair
  • Youth Enrichment
    This ongoing program in partnership with the Parks and Recreation Department provides enrichment activities including: recreational sports, educational and special event opportunities that might not otherwise be available for inner-city youth ages 5-12 and teenagers 13-18 years old. In addition, programs designed for youth and adults with disabilities are offered.
  • Section 3
    Requires that recipients of certain HUD financial assistance, to the greatest extent possible, provide job training, employment, and contract opportunities for low- or very-low income residents and businesses in connection with projects and activities in their neighborhoods. If you live in government-assisted housing or if your household income falls below HUD’s income limits, you may qualify as a Section 3 resident or Section 3 business concern.
  • Youth Asset
    This ongoing program in partnership with a consortium of local agencies develops and implements comprehensive after school programs including: child care, recreational and educational (tutoring) activities to economically disadvantage youth in the New Albany area schools.

Parking Garage

Contact: Riverside Parking Inc.
927 West Main Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Ph: 502-584-2459

Rates: $ 2.00 Daily
$17.00 Non-Reserved (monthly)
$28.00 Reserved (monthly)
The City Parking Garage is located on State Street and managed by Riverside Parking Inc.

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